Thursday, September 16, 2010

To Therapy or Not To Therapy?

O...I totally chose therapy. I can't tell you what insight my wonderful therapist has given me about my OCD-ness. Did you know that mothers with OCD tend to be very nurturing (and maybe even overly so!?!) Lord knows I have a hard time even letting Amelia cry too long and those who are super close to me could attest to that-especially my husband!

Talking it through with my therapist made everything SO CLEAR-whats actually going on in "un-doctorly" terms-is a hormone that makes us naturally protective of our loved ones we OCD-ers have too much of- throwing that already over active part of our brain into OVER DRIVE! being a mommy we are naturally protective of our little ones anyway...and I know all you mommy's out there can agree! I used to feel like a lioness!! So us moms with OCD-our brain flashes our worst fears (EVEN AT OUR OWN HANDS!) over and over and over...those with compulsions do them to relieve these fears.

I cried when I finally understood what was going on with my brain...OH SWEET I CAN'T help it and I'm NOT crazy! (though parts of my brain would disagree with that statement)  I was just made this way...and I am a wonderful person. This has been the most difficult thing I've ever experienced and I'm learning to take it day by day but I would highly suggest to anyone or a mommy who is going through this to see an expert. Though I know it can be terribly (and I mean TERRIBLY) expensive, find a way because it is so beneficial. No matter how much I talked my husband and mom's ear off they weren't capable of giving me the tools to counter act the OCD. Do some research, help is out there!

Find a support group, meeting others who have experienced first hand what you have is encouraging! For those who live in the Dallas area here is a support group (that I joined as well!) Sign up and the organizer will get back at you!

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